Acknowledging the power of 360 feedback, onlookers often have insights that participants might miss. It’s these external perspectives that play a pivotal role in shaping your professional journey. Without valuable input from your colleagues, the path to improvement can become unclear. On the flip side, consistent feedback, as showcased in 360 feedback examples, becomes a cornerstone for nurturing your career growth. It serves as a perpetual guide, making sure you’re always in top professional form and fueled with the ambition to reach new heights.
Constructive criticism and fair praise from your manager, peers, and other collaborators provide useful insights into your strengths and weaknesses, so you can identify areas of improvement. The trick is to master the art of giving and processing feedback to get the most out of this practice.
In this article, we’ll introduce you to the advanced version of ordinary feedback — 360-degree feedback. It has already become a must-have tool for proper performance management. Also known as multi-rater or multisource feedback, it allows you to get a more accurate idea of how an employee performs and behaves based on multiple opinions. It includes self-rating and reviews gathered from colleagues, managers, subordinates, and customers (optional).
In this article, we’ll introduce you to the advanced version of ordinary feedback — 360-degree feedback. It has already become a must-have tool for proper performance management. Also known as multi-rater or multisource feedback, it allows you to get a more accurate idea of how an employee performs and behaves based on multiple opinions, including that of Beams Employee Engagement Tool. This tool includes self-rating and reviews gathered from colleagues, managers, subordinates, and customers (optional).
360-Degree Feedback: The Basics
The first step towards using 360-degree feedback is to understand its concept. To do this, let’s split these 360 degrees into smaller parts and see what each includes.
- 90-degree feedback: Based on only one perspective — for example, the one from employees.
- 180-degree feedback: Based on two perspectives — for example, opinions of employees and supervisors.
- 270-degree feedback: Based on three perspectives — for example, add a manager’s self-assessment.
360-degree feedback: Based on four perspectives — for example, add the opinions of customers or another group of external people a person works with.
360-Degree Feedback vs. Performance Review
Before digging deeper, let’s draw a line between two concepts — 360-degree feedback and performance review.
First, a performance review is not about anonymity — it’s a one-on-one meeting of an employee with their manager. Alternatively, 360-degree feedback is gathered anonymously from people collaborating with you — peers, managers, direct reports, customers, etc. — and lays the groundwork for future conversations about a person’s skills.
A performance review is a tool for measuring a person’s achievements within a certain period. It allows a manager to decide whether the employee is worth career and salary growth. Multisource feedback lets employees see themselves from the perspective of those they work with and identify areas for improvement.
And finally, while a performance review mainly measures hard skills and visible achievements, 360-degree feedback is focused on unmeasurable skills like time management and soft skills.
Different Types of 360 Feedback
This multisource feedback is mainly for managers and supervisors to help boost their leadership skills and build a good rapport at their workplace. However, it can also be useful for individual employees occupying different positions, and sometimes for assessing the whole team’s performance as well. Such feedback is usually gathered through surveys, interviews, and questionnaires.
360-degree feedback can generally be divided into three categories:
- Feedback on managers
- Feedback on peers
- Self-assessment
Let’s briefly comment on each category.
Feedback on Managers
Reviewing your boss’s work can be challenging. On the one hand, the goal is to be honest to provoke positive changes; on the other hand, no one wants to be at risk for telling an uncomfortable truth. However, multisource feedback allows you to stay anonymous, so you can honestly comment on your leader’s work without facing unpleasant consequences.
It’s up to you to decide how many and which of your boss’s skills you want to comment on. We suggest you include a set of core skills in your feedback:
Leadership skills | |
Strong skills | Weak skills |
∙Setting an example ∙Taking part in team life and activities ∙Providing transparency ∙Stating clear instructions | ∙Setting unrealistic goals ∙Micromanaging ∙Excessive self-focus ∙Poor problem-solving skills |
Conflict-solving skills | |
Strong skills | Weak skills |
∙Brainstorming ∙Well-developed listening skills ∙Directly addressing the problem | ∙Gaslighting ∙Blaming ∙Unwillingness to take responsibility ∙Unaccountable |
Employee engagement | |
Strong skills | Weak skills |
∙Practicing an open-door policy ∙Building trust in the team ∙Regular check-ins (surveys, questionnaires, etc.) | ∙Poor listening skills ∙Low employee retention ∙Lack of onboarding newbies on new projects |
How to Give 360-Degree Feedback to Your Manager
1. Recognize their support. Give examples of how your manager helped you find solutions, shared expertise, and showed their leadership skills at their best.
2. Be open about what needs to be fixed. As you review your boss’s performance, don’t be afraid to be honest. No one is perfect, and your manager is not an exception, even if they’re incredibly brilliant in their role. Be polite and kind and avoid a passive-aggressive tone — this is how you’ll help your manager be a better leader for you and your team.
Feedback on Peers
The advantage of reviewing your fellow colleagues is that the closer you work with someone, the more profound feedback on their performance you can provide. However, employees may face a dilemma: to be a good guy who gives only positive feedback or an objective reviewer — sometimes, these roles are hard to combine.
It’s like the other side of building a good rapport — although it helps create a healthy and safe working environment, it can make it harder to stay objective if the line between personal and professional relationships has been blurred. As a result, glossing over problems and articulating only strong points makes feedback useless. Therefore, it’s important to teach employees how to provide feedback and explain how their honesty helps their colleagues and the whole team improve.
How to Give Feedback on Peers
- Mark their strengths. Support your peers by praising their solid skills.
- Point out weak spots. Don’t be afraid — it won’t make you a bad teammate who’s snitching on their fellow colleagues. Be polite and objective, and your feedback will help a person grow.
- Recognize their expertise. You can share an example of how your peers’ experience helped your team solve a problem.
Gathering reviews from multiple sources may seem to be enough. But when it comes to multisource feedback, we suggest that you not be quick to jump to conclusions until you listen to what the assessed person thinks of their progress. Rating yourself is not that easy, and your employees may probably need some extra guidance on how to do it right.
Since the culture of articulating problems and asking for help is yet to be cultivated at the workplace, it’s important to encourage people to talk openly. Create a safe space for openness; be a supportive listener who’s ready to help an employee overcome difficulties if they’re ready to take action.
Self-assessment requires thorough analysis from an employee. A person analyzes their wins and failures; measures their progress throughout a year; lists achieved goals; reflects on their current role; sets new targets, etc. Below, we share some tips to help you with self-analyzing.
How to Conduct Self-Assessment
- Clarify the criteria for assessments. You should know the rating scale and parameters to rate yourself correctly. In case of any doubts, consult your supervisor or HR.
- Analyze expectations. Think about whether you meet your company’s needs by occupying your position. No matter what your goals and ambitions are beyond your job, you first need to satisfy your organization with decent completion of your tasks and by adhering to its standards.
- Reflect on your progress. Instead of comparing yourself to your colleagues, compare the current version of yourself to last year. Recognize your growth and consider the challenges you have overcome or struggled to overcome.
- Include personal notes. When preparing for a performance review, you may face difficulty not missing important insights into your progress. Tracking your ups and downs throughout the year will help you get a detailed description of your progress, as well as visualize your achievements more vividly through certain examples.
- Start in the middle of the rating scale. Trying to assess yourself, you can easily get caught in the trap of overestimating or underrating your experience. To prevent imposter syndrome or professional narcissism, take the lead and start self-assessment with a clear understanding of what average performance is. As you understand it clearly, you can measure your progress.
- Provide examples. When sharing your insights about the reviewed working period, don’t forget to back them up with examples. Give context and mention strategies and tools that helped you solve specific problems. By doing so, you show your leader that you’re a reliable employee who knows how to apply their strong expertise to addressing possible issues and making the right decisions.
- Don’t get carried away. To make the item above helpful, remember not to rely on it too much. The trick here is that your examples may refer more to specific and even exceptional cases rather than to your daily routine, so find a balance — prevent such cases from putting your everyday behavior into the shade.
- Don’t get carried away. To make the item above helpful, remember not to rely on it too much. The trick here is that your examples may refer more to specific and even exceptional cases rather than to your daily routine, so find a balance — prevent such cases from putting your everyday behavior into the shade.
- Be consistent. Your examples and conclusions about your performance should complement each other. The idea is simple: provide an example for every positive comment or high rate you give. If you have concerns about your performance and rate it low, comment on what skill you think you need to improve to perform better.
Benefits of 360-Degree Feedback
Let’s highlight the benefits of multisource feedback from different perspectives.
Benefits for Employees:
- Increase self-awareness.
- Clearly define areas of improvement.
- Enable opportunities for career growth.
For Managers:
- Get deeper insight into an employee’s performance.
- Identify and address issues in performance.
- Level up team productivity.
- Consider reviews of direct reports for career growth.
For Organizations:
- Indicate strengths and weaknesses of departments.
- Improve decision-making.
- Choose strategies for improvement.
- Foster open culture.
The key to collecting good feedback is using a suitable peer review template covering core aspects of performance and behavior. To make this practice a part of your working process, you need to create a healthy environment and psychological safety, so people can honestly share their thoughts.
360 Feedback Examples: Illustrating Effective Questions for a Complete Perspective
To get really detailed and insightful answers, you should ask the right questions. Let’s discuss some signs of efficiently articulated questions.
Close-Ended and Open-Ended Questions
First, let’s divide the questions into two groups: close-ended and open-ended.
Close-ended questions are often represented as statements on a Likert Scale and offer two options from “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree.”
Open-ended questions give more freedom in answers and provide more details about a recipient’s performance. As a result, you also gain insights into how a person feels. Such questions need more careful preparation. A tip here is to make such questions brief and clear to get the most meaningful answers.
Closed-Ended Questions Examples
- This employee meets their deadlines.
- This employee often takes the initiative and comes up with fresh ideas.
- This employee has strong expertise in their field.
- This employee is task-oriented.
- This employee is good at handling feedback.
- This employee is making progress.
- This employee openly communicates their needs and concerns.
- This employee is good at building a strong rapport with their teammates.
Open-Ended Questions Examples
- What is one skill this employee should develop to perform better?
- Can you say this employee is proactive?
- What difficulties do you face when working with this employee?
- How does this employee react to feedback? Can they handle criticism and work on self-improvement?
- How does this employee resolve conflicts?
- How good is this employee as a team player?
- What can you say about this employee’s strong and weak points?
To get the most out of your questionnaire, you should understand how to arrange the questions. First, identify the main principles and adhere to them. Prioritize clarity and specificity to get actionable feedback.
It’s important that 360-degree feedback questions be:
- Relevant. Gather the opinions of those who closely collaborate with a person — peers, supervisors, direct reports, customers, etc. Otherwise, you’ll get irrelevant information that will make it more difficult to analyze the assessment.
- Focused both on performance and attitude. Performance is an important aspect to review; at the same time, you should measure such aspects as an individual’s drive, communication skills, and time management.
- Polite and tactful. Use your empathy to avoid questions that sound like a personal attack. You aim to reveal a person’s weak and strong points and plan further actions; no rudeness or blaming allowed.
So, after mentioning these points, the next question to ask yourself should be: how do I write good questions? The suggestions below will help you get started.
7 Rules of an Insightful Survey
1. Mix open-ended and closed-ended questions. Closed-ended questions are easy to answer and analyze, but often don’t give enough information. The best strategy is to use open-ended questions as a follow-up to close-ended ones to get more precise feedback.
2. Use simple wording. Make the questions short and plain to minimize the risk of misunderstanding. Clarity is the key to the accuracy of feedback.
3. Specify a selection of questions. List questions that are relevant to the person’s position. For example, for some employees, leadership skills are key criteria, while for others, communication with customers is the core indicator.
4. Find a balance. If the list of questions is too short, you won’t get enough information. On the contrary, too many questions may make people lose focus and become less involved.
5. Assess behaviors along with performance. You should measure not only performance itself but also the behavioral patterns that lead to a person’s outcomes. For example, you can learn if a person is a strong communicator, skilled conflict solver, solid mediator, etc.
6. Focus on what can be improved. Don’t waste your time and energy focusing on things out of your control. However, if you know that you can help an employee improve in a particular area, offer help. It can be training courses, literature, personal coaching, mentorship, etc.
7. Keep a neutral tone. Avoid bias and emotional coloring, and don’t let a personal attitude influence your coworker’s evaluation — you should stay professional and put a line between subjective feelings and objective assessment.
8. Choose positivity over negativity. Again, wording can make all the difference, even regarding constructive criticism. Instead of asking, “Why did you make this mistake?” ask, “What do you need in order to avoid similar mistakes in the future? Is there any help you need?” This shows that you’re here not to be a severe judge but to lend a helping hand if needed.
Feedback Examples for Different Roles
360-Degree Feedback Examples for Managers
- “It seems like you need to show more support to your team as a manager. Try to keep in touch with your direct reports regularly to let them know you are here for them and ready to help.”
- “It’s been only a few months since your promotion, and I know it’s your first experience in this position — you’re doing great! I want to ask you to be more decisive in splitting duties between your direct reports, so you can control your workload and focus on more complex tasks and perform even better.”
- “I must admit that your management style is impressive — you get on well with your team, and its productivity is on the rise. Keep up the good work!”
360-Degree Feedback Examples for Leaders
- “I’d love to ask you to share more insights into your team’s work, so other departments can have a better understanding of the scope of work you do.”
- “It would be great to see you at the informal meetings more often. Your professional input is huge and tangible, and it would help to break the ice between you and your colleagues during some regular informal calls.”
- “I’m happy to see your rapid growth, and I think you’ll outgrow your current position pretty soon. That’s why I want you to rank employees you see as future leaders, so we can decide what skills they should master to grow.”
360 Feedback Examples for Peers
- “I think it would be healthy to change your attitude about feedback from your team. Please don’t take it personally — constructive feedback can help you grow.”
- “It’s been six months since our last performance review, and I can’t help but admire your progress since then!”
- “I’d love to ask you to share your concerns as openly as you share your ideas. I know you’re a dedicated worker, and I want you to talk about the difficulties you face, so you can get help from our team and stay on top.”
How to Deliver Feedback
Here are some steps you and your employees can take to make reliable reviews:
1. Learn to give constructive feedback.
Explore the variety of types of feedback and how to articulate them. For example, learn the difference between formal and informal feedback. Formal feedback has a stricter structure and often suggests definite steps to take.
On the other hand, informal feedback is based on feedback that’s not always gathered officially. For example, it can be based on the information received from basic talks with employees, like water-cooler conversations, smoke breaks, etc.
2. Be prepared.
Your conversation can be either formal or informal — either way, you have to be well-prepared to present feedback properly and make your meeting meaningful. Think about the words and tone you want to use to share the feedback correctly and pay special attention to giving constructive criticism — we highly recommend you master some strategies.
3. Prepare the recipient
Giving feedback unexpectedly is not the best idea. Before sharing feedback, especially formal, it’s better to tell a person about your intention. It’s especially important for formal feedback — ensure the individual is prepared beforehand so you don’t catch them unaware. For example, you can schedule a meeting in an employee’s calendar. If you decide to provide an informal review, still give a little notice to avoid awkwardness for both of you.
Whenever you or any employee offers peer feedback, try to notify the recipient so that your review doesn’t catch them off guard.
4. Speak up.
Encourage your team to recognize and articulate issues on time as they see something that needs to be improved. Otherwise, glossing over problems leads to complications in solving them — the longer you wait, the harder it is to fix things. On the contrary, the earlier a problem is found, the faster the individual can create a plan on how to improve their performance. It results in less harm to the workflow and a stronger and happier team.
5. Conduct a two-sided conversation.
Providing peer feedback shouldn’t be a monologue — encourage the recipient to join you for a discussion. It will help to avoid awkwardness and decrease the risk of misunderstanding. Invite the recipient to speak up by saying something like, “Do you have any questions?” or “Do you agree with it?” or “What do you think of it?” and so on.
6. Be empathic.
Don’t forget to be delicate with others’ emotions. It doesn’t mean you should say only positive things — instead, think about how to articulate even constructive criticism in a way that doesn’t hurt but makes a person want to improve. Imagine how you would feel if you received such feedback, and use it to pick the right words and tone. Be supportive, not judgmental, and offer help if possible. For example, “I know you’ve been through hard times lately. Can you think of any ways to improve your current state? Do you need any help in getting back on track?”
7. Provide anonymity.
Letting people share anonymous opinions can tangibly level up your experience with feedback processing. This is because anonymity makes it easier for people to be open without fear of facing unpleasant consequences for their honesty, like conflicts, dismissal, etc. If you doubt the advantages of trying it, here are five reasons explaining the benefits of this approach.
Benefits of Applying 360-Degree Feedback
- Career development. Reviews from colleagues help identify strong skills along with weak points, which allows an individual to develop a plan for improvement.
- Personal growth. An employee gains an understanding of how their team assesses their soft skills. It can provide a person with valuable insights on how to become a better communicator and build a good rapport at work.
- Team prosperity. If you want to change the world, start with yourself. Paying heed to your colleagues’ opinions on what you do allows you to help your team achieve better results by improving your performance. And, of course, your progress can easily inspire others — so don’t be afraid to work on yourself and lead by example.
- Performance reviews. Multisource peer feedback is helpful for conducting annual reviews. While performance reviews are briefer and more hard-skills-oriented, peer feedback provides deeper and more detailed insights. Thanks to it, an employee better understands how their team sees them and how to improve their performance and behavior. As a result, your team gets a stronger and more driven player.
Constructive Feedback and Development Areas
Constructive feedback is crucial for growth. Unlike ordinary negative feedback, constructive criticism, when delivered wisely, doesn’t hurt or provoke emotions. Instead, it motivates people to take action and paves the way towards better performance by indicating skills to boost.
Neither managers nor employees should be afraid of constructive feedback — a lack of such reviews will hold them back from growing and leading an organization to prosperity. Giving reasonable comments on a person’s work and behavior clarifies expectations, which makes it easier for managers and employees to understand each other and decide what steps to take towards meeting these expectations.
5 Constructive Feedback Examples
Delivering constructive feedback requires solid communication skills to let you pick the right voice and tone. Just like emotional intelligence, mastering these skills also plays a crucial role in giving positive feedback. Here are different scenarios showing examples of providing constructive criticism.
Context . Kate is a dedicated task-oriented employee. However, lately, she’s been missing deadlines and doesn’t seem to be involved.
Goal. To show Kate you’ve noticed the changes and want to help her get back on track — for example, change the workload, find an assistant, etc.
Feedback: “Kate, I see your dedication to work and am truly glad to have you as a part of our team. But lately, it seems like you have difficulty focusing on tasks and meeting deadlines. It’s not like you — you’ve always been brilliant at completing tasks on time. I just wanted to let you know that if you need any help or want to discuss your current workload, me and our team are here for you.”
Context: Steve is a skilled professional and an awesome team player. Lately, he’s often been late for work. As a result, he misses out on important details on tasks, distracts his peers with questions, and brings a bit of chaos to teamwork.
Goal: To point out the problem and explain how Steve’s behavior affects the entire team’s performance.
Feedback: “Steve, I’ve noticed you’ve often been late to our meetings recently. I appreciate your expertise and input — our team is lucky to have you as one of its’ players. However, I’m afraid these late arrivals can keep you from progressing on tasks and affect the performance of the whole department. I hope you’ll soon go back to coming on time to maintain your solid productivity. If there’s something that makes it hard for you to come on time, we can discuss it and maybe adjust the schedule a bit so the whole department can work smoothly.”
Context. Dylan is a remote worker. Even if his status in a corporate messenger is active, it takes him too long to respond to messages, making it difficult to collaborate with him and get updates on tasks.
Goal: Show the inconvenience of poor communication and the importance of getting back to colleagues quickly.
Feedback: “Dylan, I have a concern about our email communication. It’s frustrating not hearing back from you to get updates on tasks. It’s not about excessive control; it’s just a good practice to sync from time to time to ensure everything goes smoothly and help fix things if needed. I’d really appreciate it if you would respond quicker to emails so we’re on the same track. If you experience any difficulty, don’t hesitate to contact me — I’m open to talk and will be glad to help you find a solution.”
Context. Usually friendly or at least reserved, Jane has been unexpectedly rude with her colleagues lately, which has spoiled a healthy and secure working environment in the office.
Goal. To kindly remind Jane about the importance of a good rapport and that it’s unacceptable to displace anger on teammates.
Feedback: “Jane, I feel like something has been bothering you lately, like you’re not yourself. Is it something at work that frustrates you? Or are there any external reasons that make you feel low? If you need any help or just a listening ear, don’t hesitate to reach out to me — I’m here for you and ready to help if I can. Our teammates share my concern too, and if you have any misunderstanding or a conflict that needs to be resolved — you can also tell me about it, and we’ll collaborate on solving the issue.”
Context. Jim is a talented writer — his articles are always bright and well-structured, and he knows how to catch a reader’s attention and provide a fresh perspective on an issue. However, his struggle with self-discipline makes it challenging to collaborate with him.
Goal. To highlight Jim’s brilliance as a writer and to encourage him to boost his time-management skills.
Feedback. “Jim, I appreciate your writing talent — your skill to turn literally everything into involved storytelling is a true gift that can’t be denied. My only concern is that your lack of time management skills makes it difficult to sync with you. Is there anything I can help you with to improve it? For example, courses, literature, coaching — please let me know if you need something. I’m pretty sure you’ll unlock another level of awesomeness when your excellent writing is added with better time management, and you’ll be the number one person to benefit from it.”
The Importance of Being a Supportive Feedback-Giver
To make your feedback powerful and reach its goal, you should know how to deliver your message. It’s crucial to pick the right tone and words to encourage a person to work for positive changes. If your feedback sounds like a personal attack, a person will become defensive rather than take steps towards improving. That’s why you should articulate your feedback carefully to show you’re on the recipient’s side.
Remember that your feedback should be about the employee’s professional qualities, not personal. An easy tip to follow: use your empathy to put yourself in another person’s position. Talk to them like you would like others to talk to you, and you’ll increase your chances for smooth communication that brings positive results.
Using 360-Degree Feedback Templates
The Concept of 360-Degree Feedback Templates
A 360-degree feedback template is a powerful tool for gathering the opinions of people working for an organization. This template allows you to make these assessments more structured and insightful, which benefits performance management.
Benefits of Using Templates
Since 360-degree feedback is a scope of opinions gathered from multiple sources, it’s important to have a standard list of questions and to order records, helping you avoid an informational mess. The main benefits of templates are:
- A convenient way to keep records
- Visualization of skill sets with strong and weak points
- Well-organized process of gathering reviews from multiple sources
- Easy-to-use and fixed scoring system for rating performance across the company
- Detailed documentation helps when discussing promotions and salary raises during performance reviews
What to Include in a 360-Degree Feedback Template
We suggest you include the following parameters in your template:
- Behavior: How does the employee handle constructive feedback?
- Communication: How likely is the employee to solve conflicts openly?
- Professional Growth: How would you assess the employee’s progress within the last six months?
- Leadership and Motivation: Do you think the employee is good at prioritizing tasks and distributing duties?
If it’s your first time crafting such a template, you can stick to the model including these sections:
- Introduction. Start with a title page briefly explaining the idea and steps to take.
- Self-Evaluation. Ask a respondent to reflect on their performance and behavior. Let a manager and an HR specialist provide a set of characteristics for self-assessment.
- Organizational Leader. This section is for the feedback from the head of a recipient’s department.
- Manager. This section includes a review of an employee’s performance by their immediate manager.
- Peers or Direct Reports. This section is for recognition and constructive criticism from teammates, direct reports (if any), or coworkers from other departments.
Integrate the New Practice Effortlessly
Innovations can cause stress unless introduced correctly. Highlight the benefits of getting used to a new practice, and let your colleagues understand why it’s worth trying.
- Get a tailored experience. You can find templates on the internet. It’s better to adjust them so they meet the needs of your teams and departments.
- Keep things simple. Your templates should be easy-to-use to involve more people. Sliders, dropdown menus, text and number fields for answers, and multiple choices will make gathering and processing feedback easier. For best results, include a scoring system for every aspect assessed.
- Customize workflow. Create tasks for a reviewed employee to assess how they solve issues and decide which aspects need more focus and effort.
- Save the data. Keep records carefully stored in the cloud.
Keep People Informed
- Send notifications to respondents and feedback receivers so they’re aware of what to do.
- Send reminders to ensure everyone is ready for action.
Handle Data
- Carefully collect, sort, and analyze received information.
- Act upon feedback, so people see the practical use of it and become more engaged in the practice.
360 Feedback Examples: A Holistic Approach to Enhancing Performance
360-degree feedback is an ultimate tool for gaining insights into strong and weak areas of performance in your organization. When integrated correctly, this practice allows everybody to benefit from it:
- People get help and support on their way to development.
- Managers, with the assistance of the Beams Employee Engagement Tool, improve their decision-making skills and create a stronger team.
- The organization experiences a rise in productivity and income.
Always remember that 360-degree feedback is not a means of punishment. Instead, it helps you polish existing skills through timely discovering of and addressing issues. Master using this tool, and you’ll learn how to get the most out of the potential of your employees — the most precious resource that’s worth proper care and support.